We have created a second international competition based on a given festival poem: Rainer Maria Rilkes' poem "To Lou Andre-Salome". It's one of the late love poems to Lou Andreas-Salomé. You may say it is a retrospective to a former love, the only real one!
For sure all selected fims have been created especially for this award. Thirtheen films have been selected for the competition screeening. The leading countries were equally Austria and Australia followed by Germany, France, England and Belgium. All the films show to us various statements towards love, feelings and partnership. Romanticism, nostalgia, deconstruction, humor and abstraction. Have a look! You will be surprised.
Sunday November 5, 2017, 18:30, Metro Kinokulturhaus, 1010 Vienna
Oleksandra Stehlik (A)
A nostalgic ode toward writing love letters and the art of typography.
Oleksandra Stehlik received a professional education as an illustrator in Ukraine. She often works with Schriftfilm using typography as an important element of film making.
Jutta Pryor (AUS)
Two lovers and their tatoos!
Rainer Maria Rilke's final love letter to Lou Andre-Salome documents an intense, personal catharsis of their emotional history in 1919. Their story is universal and timeless. My poetry film delves into the work of Rilke as having relevance today via contemporary visual, emotional, cultural and technological contexts.
Jutta Pryor is an Australian film maker, graphic and mulimedia designer, who regularely combines film with poetry. She is doing a Master of Arts (Art in Public Space), referencing the Internet as Public Space and Poetry Film as Art. On Facebook she organizes the intermedia artist group Pool Pool. https://vimeo.com/pryorart
Marc Limousin (FR)
Body painting as a sign of intimacy and proximity. Reflexion about making art. The film will be shown out of competition.
Marc Limousin works as a freelance fine artist and photo and vdeo Artist in Annecy (France). He had several international exposisitions, became an art director of design and university teacher for some years. http://www.marclimousin.com/
Antonio de Santos (FR)
AM FENSTER (06:21)
Two lovers awakening. The film brings us in a state between being awake and sleep.
Antonio De Santos is an experimental film maker, fine artist, theater man, performer from Chile. He published various poetry book in Chile and Madrid and wrote theater plays. He currently lives in Paris. www.antoniodesantos.com/
Diana Taylor (UK)
The romantic love film in this competition!
Diana Taylor worked for the BBC TV as film editor and director. She has been working with Bristol Poets making poetry films since 2009 and her films have been shown in major venues in around Bristol including the Watershed , the Arnolfini , Colston Hall M Shed and the BBC Big Screen. Diana’s poetry films have also been selected for the Portabello Film Festival, London, The Zebra International Poetry Festival Berlin, Annual Programme Without Frontiers Barcelona. Liberated Words Poetry Film Festival Bristol e.g.
Marie Craven (AUS)
The historic love story in three moments. Imagined via anonymous home movie footage dated 1940 and 1974. A contemporary vocal electronic soundtrack adds another layer of time. This nostalgic treatment of Rilke's poem features music and mixing by Adrian Carter, sung vocals by Anne Garner and spoken word by Christian Reiner. Involving cross-continent collaboration via the internet.
Marie Craven assembles videos from poetry, music, voice, stills and moving images by various artists around the world. Created via the internet, the pieces are collaborative in a 21st century way. During the 1990s and early 2000s she made short narrative and experimental films that were screened and awarded widely at international film festivals. Her earliest involvement in media was in the mid-1980s with super 8 film-making. https://vimeo.com/mariecraven
Monica Goldberg (AUS)
The foto film works with historical footage of a Maori reservation in New Zeeland. Bowling earth and nature are used as an expression of inner feelings.
Monica Goldberg is s Jewish writer based in Sydney publishing in Australia and USA.
Susanne Wiegner (D)
Film based on the poem by Rainer Maria Rilke. The film visualises in calm pictures, the process of writing itself, the spacial and temporary distance to the great love of his life, the place of writing (Castle Duino) and the view of the window as a reflexive look at his life.
Susanne Wiegner studied architecture at the Academy of fine Arts in Munich and at Pratt Institute in New York City as a DAAD scholar. In addition to projects in real space, for several years she has been creating 3D computer animations dealing with literature and with virtual space. Venues where her work have been shown include group exhibitions and international festivals. She works as a 3D-artist in Munich, Germany. www.susannewiegner.de
Doris Piller (A)
LOU ( 04:03)Lou is based on the poem „To Lou Andre-Salomé“. The visual essence are the words „ I saw you blushed before me.“Die pictures show emotions, memories, associatios and are a monologue with your inner self. They all lead to separation and relief. „What I want for this year, what I really need to have, is only silence - more solitude, as it was 4 years ago. This has to happen again“ - Lou Andreas-Salomé (Diary, 1900).
Doris Piller, is born in Vienna and works in communications for an educational association. Sie studied film and loves to photograph. Since 2016 she visits the film school Friedl Kubelka for independant film.
Marie Schmittner (A)
RILKE (03:00)
Abstract photo film about love emotions with paintings.
Contradiction - Hope and confidence. Life between the poles of inner feelings and outerworld.
Maria Schmittner, born 1966, lives in Salzburg. She is a writer and librarian.
Bernadette Stummer (A)
RILKE-LOU (09:35)
strength in ether - inside or outside rooted? awareness of attendance - notion of invisible presence colored shadows alike - mirage affirmed by fragrance even the words of the writer lose their margins.
Bernadette Stummer, filmmaker & freelance filmproducing - artistic working, teaching, researching, developing. www.bernadettestummer.at
Marc Neys (BE)
Marc Neys used the ice (2 blocks divided in the water) to represent the two souls in the poem and creates tension by editing on the rhythm of the reading/poem. It is more a 'museum piece' than a 'film', with extra layers of text coming from Duineser Elegien (He used those, with more personal visual archive material as a 'personal statement' ) in justaposition with the poem (early Rilke - late Rilke). The video is more an addition to the poem than a video with or for the poem.
Marc Neys aka Swoon, born 1968, lives in Mechelen (Belgium). He has produced over 240 videpoems and collaborated with various writers in different languages. His videopoems and Shorts were shown at international Festivals and galleries. "Like all good art, the work of Marc Neys transports us to a state. It is a state of attention and reverie at the same time, where the artist shares with us his own intense experience of the moment, and then sends us each on our own inner investigations. Meditations on Nature, Time, Art, the human condition, and the spiritual cost of modernity - these are some of the dizzy heights that Marc Neys audiovisual essays explore. “Longing,” as Heidegger defines it, “is the agony of the nearness of the distant”. http://www.swoon-videopoetry.com/
Sebastian Selke (D)
Skyscraper and Plattenbau of the DDR.
The film "RILKE ÜBEROFFEN" has been made for The Rilke Special Award. "In fact,, we are musicians, but we have created this film-, music, and photography project für the Art Visuals & Poetry Poetry Film Festival Vienna."
The Berliner musician and brothers Danlel und Sebastian Selke tour with a modern classic band called Ceeys.They recently had a project about Plattenbau in DDR and they are also working with literature. Daniel Selke studied Klavier and chamber music an at the university of Leipzig and works as a teacher in Potsdam and as a pianist and conductor. Sebastian Selke studied Violoncello at the university of music in Berlin. He works as a solo chello musician for the film orchestra Babelsberg. He recently did recordings for the sample label Spitfire Audio. Sebastian combines his cello sound with many effects. http://gezeitenstrom.weebly.com/ceeys.html
The winner of the Special Award will be announced on Sunday, November, 5, 2017 during the award-ceremony.
Ticket hotline / ticket reservations:
Metro offers a professional ticket reservation. You can reserve tickets via phone, e-mail or just go there and get it. METRO Kinokulturhaus Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Wien.Opening times: MO–SA & holiday 15:00–21:00 | SU 10:00–21:00 Reservations. METRO KinokulturhausT: (0043 (0)1 512 18 03 (MO–SU 15:00–21:00) E-Mail: reservierung@filmarchiv.at
Pricing: Normal tickets 7/ 8,50 Euro. Night Special at the ticket desk for students/trainees/schoolboys 5 Euro!