Art Visuals & Poetry Film Festival 2019
Saturday, November 30. 2019, 17:00 Uhr
Main Award - Competition II- Austria, Metro Kinokulturhaus, main hall, moderation Yasmin Hafedh
Art Visuals & Poetry Film has announced a Poetry Film Competition in German-speaking countries. The second of a total of three competition blocks is dedicated to the local poetry film scene, which shows itself experimentally and successfully. For example, the Berlin-based Austrian Gudrun Krebitz and the Viennese Alexander Gratzer have already received major prizes at renowned film festivals for their work shown here.
Österreich 2018 | 07:08 Min.
Director: Gudrun Krebitz
Text: Gudrun Krebitz, OF German/English
Gudrun Krebitz explores the delicate boundaries between reality and other dimensions in a dreamy, hazy way. Visually stunning and with a penetrating soundtrack, the film meanders through cemeteries, streets, spaces and canals in Berlin and Venice, while the voice-over muses on metaphysics. The mesmerizing result is, according to one critic, an "impressionist ramble through an ever-changing inner landscape. (Neil Young).
Prize-winning film German competition, Short Film Festival Hamburg 2019.
Gudrun Krebitz, born in Graz, Austria. Until 2015 Masters Degree in Animation Class at the "Royal College of Art" in London, UK. Previously Academy of Film and Television "Konrad Wolf" Potsdam-Babelsberg Department: Animation Graduation with diploma. Gudrun Krebitz herself writes her poetic texts in German and in English. Her hand-drawn films received numerous awards. In 2017 she won u.a. the main prize of the Art Visuals & Poetry Film Festival in Vienna. She lives as a freelance artist in Berlin .
Österreich 2018 | 04:00 Min.
Director: Elke Bitter
Poet: Claudia Bitter, OF German
The cinematic translation of the poem "When sleep breaks" is
a game with shifts of meaning of word and image, which evoke both insomnia and dream images. Everyday objects and ordinary activities can become unsettling stories or lead to absurdity.
Claudia Bitter born in Upper Austria in 1965, studied Slavic studies and ethnology and works in Vienna as a writer, artist and librarian. So far, three prose and three illustrated lyrics have been published, various awards and scholarships.
Elke Bitter born in 1974 in Linz, studied social work, lives in Vienna, where she works as a social worker, video artist and music creator. So far, music videos have been released for Austrian bands, as well as 2 music albums.
silent sound poems
Österreich 2019 | 02:56 Min.
Directo: Jörg Piringer
Text: Jörg Piringer, OF, internationally comprehensible
Silent sound poems are sound poems without sound. Moving letters suggest linguistic sounds that arise in the mind of the beholder. Dynamics and rhythm, silence and sound without real sound waves.
Jörg Piringer, born 1974. lives in Vienna. is member of the institute for transacoustic research and the vegetable orchestra. works in the gaps between language art, music, performance and poetic software.
Österreich 2018 | 02:19 Min.
Director: Gundi Feyer
Text: Gundi Feyrer, OF German
I dreamed: The sky in front of me and my face there, or me in front of it, did it exist outside of me or maybe just in my eye and in my face? I had lost all orientation and wondered if there was any connection at all: between the heavens and me...
Gundi Feyer, born 1956 in Heilbronn / D, studied sculpture at the Munich Academy of Art. Free Art at the HfbK Hamburg; since 1981 Poetic prose, drawing, objects (cloth), drawn animation films, drawn books, miniature portraits (terracotta), plays, radio plays, performances with word, picture and sound. Numerous book publications. Some scholarships and literature awards, most recently H.C.Artmann Prize, 2018 Vienna. Lives in Vienna.
400 000 MAL
Österreich 2017 | 04:36 Min.
Director: Hanna Schaich
Text: Hanna Schaich, OF German with English subtitles
Longing. Trapped in the rut. The search for this one feeling. Be free for once. We have created sites that give the search a supposed end. The search becomes addiction. Can be addiction. For money. Become someone else. Be someone else. Feeling as if you had won the jackpot. Adrenalin. Flight. An existence with dazzling wings that carry us everywhere. To us. Back to the actual being. This insatiable desire for more. The longing for the ego. To be.
Hanna Schaich lives and works in Berlin. Diploma: 2014 (Art Academy Berlin Weißensee, Free Art / Sculpture), master student: 2016, post. Grad.Adv.Media Cert. Performance and Interactive Media Art, 2017 8 Brooklyn College, NY). She is known for her video works and performances. Her work has been shown internationally and nationally: most recently at the KINDL - Center for Contemporary Art, Berlin; MOM, Experimental Center for the Arts, Thessaloniki; Kunstraum LLC, NY; Galerie Hollenstein - Art Space and Collection, Lustenau; RAMgalleri, Oslo; Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin; moe.contemporary, Vienna; Cold store, Berlin; microscope gallery, NY; u.v.m ..
Österreich 2017 | 05:00 Min.
Director: Astrid Ebser
Text: Astrid Ebser OF German
Shows short shots of an abstract representation of various features of the disease bulimia. These are accompanied by video sequences of various body projections,
which brings the emotional state of an affected person back to the starting point - their own body, the sensitivity of the skin and the bones.
Astrid Ebser, born 1989 in Bad Ischl, 2017 Master of the Arts in Digital Art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Astrid Ebser's artistic interest lies in experimental filming & installations as well as painting. Among other things, the themes that the artist deals with are the transformation of the real view of things and the world into surreal phenomena and above all the great interest of the connection with art and neuroscience. The result is video animations, photo montages, objects and video installations.
DIE SCHLAMMTRETERINÖsterreich 2018 | 03:48 Min.
Director: Anita C. Schaub
Text: Anita C. Schaub, OF German
Protagonist" of the film is the Willet (Tringa Semipalmata), a bird species that flies in the winter in the south to mate there. The name change in "Schlammtreterin" (Willet-in) refers to the (exclusively) male naming of many (animal) species in which the female animal is not represented.
Anita C. Schaub, born 1959 in Bermuda, grew up in Carinthia, lives since 2001 in Vienna. Master's degree and pedagogical academy in Klagenfurt and Vienna, PhD in the field of women's research.Written teacher, poetry therapy; Project conceptions, interdisciplinary projects focusing on women's art and literature. Life art. Non-fiction book, short prose, several novels. Last: Life with Em. Story with illustrations. Edition Libica 2018. Passionate poetry filmmaker.
Österreich 2016 | 02:27 Min.
Director: Katharina Wenty
Text: Katharina Wenty, OF German
Film and photography interact in the film poem "Man in the Moon" in a symbolic play with words and music. A cinematic love poem that experiments with different media and forms of expression, relates them to each other and discusses the relationship between yin and yang, man and woman, man and moon.
Born in 1995 in Korneuburg, Katharina Wenty discovered her passion for writing at the age of eight and has been publishing regularly in anthologies and literary magazines since she was 15 years old. Eight years later, she began small amateur short film projects that allowed her to win prizes such as the Zeitimpuls Kurzfilmaward, the Media Literacy Award, and more. Since graduating from the "Multimedia" college at the Federal Department of Graphic Arts, Teaching and Research, the former poetry slam national studies theater, film and media studies at the University of Vienna and regularly appears as a poet in German-speaking countries already in Italy, Morocco, Hungary, Slovakia etc.
Österreich 2018 | 04:00 Min.
Director: Grzegorz Kielawski
Text: Christine Huber, OF German
In the best aviation weather, "Boden" encircles the eponymous poem by Christine Huber. One shot: A wooden counter with a metal foot. Associations jump between pictures, sounds and words. In the ground and on the ground. Ground as the border between what is up and what could be underneath. What does that mean in the language of builders, landscape planners? Sealed ground, compacted soil; difficult to get through, for plants anyway - but see what's under it, is also a "suspect" - is there anything at all - and many, etc.
Grzegorz Kielawski, born 1981 in Wałbrzych. Studied at the Angelus Silesius University of Applied Sciences. Since 2005 in Vienna: Studies of German Studies at the University of Vienna, employee of the association ZZOO in the WUK, member of the GAV, employee of the association Exil and the Secession. As a filmmaker at WIDOK (with Alex Bayer) most recently won the jury award at Vienna International Shorts for "Nuit".
Christine Huber, born 1963 in Vienna, lives in Vienna. Poetry, visual poetry, experimental prose. Collaboration with authors, artists, composers and filmmakers. Numerous volumes of poetry. Librettos and works on music (among others for Christian Utz, Wolfgang Suppan, Beat Furrer), radio plays (inter alia with Alexander Stankovski); Foundation of the "School of Poetry in Vienna" (1991); Foundation of the edition ch (1989 and management of the same until 1992, continued, inter alia, by Günter Vallaster); 2005-2010 Management of the GAV (together with Gerhard Jaschke). Contributed to the Alte Schmiede / Wien (1993-2005 part of the series "TEXTVORSTELLUNGEN", since 2004 responsible for the series "DICHTFEST" (editing and moderation - 4 evenings a year with six poetry readings each).
Österreich 2015 | 04:55 Min.
Director: Rüdiger Rohde
Text: Rüdiger Rohde, OF German
A film about adaptation, resistance and kosequences.
Born in Kiel, Rüdiger Rohde is an author, photographer, filmmaker, social worker, medieval researcher, initiator and organizer of the short film series "Banale" and various media installations. Member of the Künstlerhaus Wien, chairman of the cultural association "Bollwerk". Cultural award winner of the city of Wiener Neustadt (recognition award 2015). .
Österreich 2016 | 03:10 Min.
Director: Karol Kensy
Text: Karol Kensy, OF German with English subtitles
"Schene neie wöd" is a spoken-word project that clearly refers to the book of the same name by Aldous Huxley, but which refers more to current communication technologies. Karol Kensy has used a selfie-stick to show in a slightly overblown and humorous way, how far our society is already in isolation. An isolation that is characterized by virtual social networks. The selfie trend (to film or photograph oneself), which has spread in recent years in the media and has become a strong means of self-marketing, is the perfect metaphor for this social isolation.
Karol Kensy lives and works in Linz as a multimedia artist, mainly in the field of film and music with a focus on hip-hop culture (including all her debauchery).
Österreich 2017 | 04:13 Min.
Director: Ingrid Gaier
Text: Rose Ausländer, OF German
This film reveals a woman who grew up in war and destruction and was scared all her life. The small apartment, in which nothing was allowed to be changed, gave her security. Although her husband died long before her, her name never appeared on the bell, only his. Women like her give Rose Ausländer a voice.
Ingrid Gaier, born 1967 Steyr / Upper Austria, painting and graphic arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the Kunsthochschule Maastricht, NL; Study of Textile / Art and Design at the Art University Linz. Working scholarships for Cairo / Egypt, Krumlov / Czech Republic, Rome / Italy, Malo / Italy. Visiting professor at the Kunstuniversität Linz, lectureships at the Art Academy Sofia / Bulgaria, arts teacher faculty Cairo / Egypt, art university Linz, assistance at the summer academy Salzburg. Numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad.
Österreich 2019 | 02:12 Min.
Director: Judith Lava, Sound Roland Widmer
Text: Isabel Walter, OF German
The film follows a movement that begins at a wound, and moves from adjustment to adjustment in bewilderment.
Isabel Walter, born and raised in Salzburg. Study of Speech Arts and
Philosophy in Vienna. Various readings in Vienna, Berlin and Leipzig. Essay and short prose publications in magazines, anthologies and ebooks. Currently in training as a psychotherapist.
Judith Lava, born in Klagenfurt, lives and works in Vienna. Since 2000 independent artist. Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, MS Michelangelo Pistoletto. Lava worked at in the field of video art, as well as a long-time video collaborator with Pipilotti Rist. Her works include video and spatial installations, objects, modeling clay figures, animated films and photographic works. Various exhibitions in Germany and abroad.
Österreich 2019 | 04:20 Min.
Director: Simon Chkheidze
Text: Simon Chkheidze, OF German with English subtitles
A departure between dream and reality.
Simon Chkheidze, residing in Innsbruck, was born in 1998 in Munich. In 2018 he earned his diploma: Electronic Music Producer, training at the Media Academy Innsbruck (Certified Music Producer). He is currently studying Comparative Literature at the Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck. In addition, he attends piano and composition at the Music School Innsbruck. Aside from his passion for literature and music, he recently began to intensively deal with the field of film or independent, experimental film.
Österreich 2019 | 11:01 Min.
Director: George Chkheidze/Sigrun Höllrigl
Text: Sigrun Höllrigl, OF German with English subtitles
Filmpremiere outside the competition
The poetry film cycle "Nexus" thematizes sensuality, love, timelessness and transience.
The Georgian filmmaker Giga (George) Chkheidze graduated in 1986 from the National Theater and Film School Tbilisi: Camera Department. At the same time he completed a music education in jazz and electronic music. 1986-1991 he worked as a cameraman in the Georgian State Film Studio "Gruzia Film". Since 1993 he has realized a number of independent film projects in Moscow, London, Berlin and Munich. His films have appeared at many renowned international film festivals (Rotterdam, Oberhausen, IDFA Amsterdam, New Directors / New Films NYC) and film programs such as MOMA (The Museum of Modern Art NY, The Film Society of Lincoln Center NY, Anthology Film Archives NY, INPUT San Sebastian), as well as on TV at ARTE, 3 sat, ZDF. International awards. George Chkheidz lives in Austria and Germany.
Sigrun Höllrigl studied German philology and philosophy in Vienna (Mag. Phil). She directs Art Visuals & Poetry and the festival since 2011 and works as a media artist, filmmaker, writer and event organizer. In 2015 and 2016 her two novels "Odysseus X" and "Das Lager" were published in edition Keiper, Graz. Between 2012 and 2019, many poetry films were mostly based on her own poems, which were screened at Film Festivals internaitionally. Sigrun Höllrigl is an Area Coordinator for Photography, Film & Audio at Künstlerhaus Wien. She lives in Vienna and Lower Austria. .
Österreich 2019 | 06:51 Min.
Director: Alexander Gratzer
Text: Alexander Gratzer, OF German with English subtitles
Apfelmus offers special insights into the
vibrating life on land, especially an answer to one question.
This could not be more explosive: How to ideally prepare
Best Eastern. Short film under 10 min. VIS 2019.
Alexander Gratzer, born in 1993 in Hallein / Salzburg. 2012 - 2018 University of Applied Arts Vienna, painting under the direction of Henning Bohl, Thomas Zipp, Johanna Kandl, Nikolaus Jantsch. Since September 2018 studies at the Moholy - Nagy University Budapest, animated film, master.
Festivalticket-Special für Schüler/Lehrlinge/Studenten 5 Euro. Normalpreis 8,5 Euro. Es gelten die Ermäßigungen des Metro Kinokulturhauses. Tickets können über das Ticketservice des Metro Kinos vorbestellt werden. Tel. +43 1 512 18 03 MO–FR 17:00–21:00 SA/SO 15:00–21:00. Ab 3.10.: täglich 14:00–21:00 oder